Pixar Animated Shorts Have You Seen The Pixar Disney Animated Short "Lifted?"?

Have you seen the Pixar Disney animated short "Lifted?"? - pixar animated shorts

I accidentally fell on him after he "Ratatoille" on DVD. In the special features menu, and another short film entitled "Our friend, the Council". These two shorts are hilarious. If you have seen that I am interested in your comments.

Oh, the film is good, too.


Dr_Facer said...

I saw, "Lifted" and loved it. I first saw in the theater (playing the main movie) and it was fun.

It is very nice, probably the best short film Pixar has so far, at least that's what I think.

Dr_Facer said...

I saw, "Lifted" and loved it. I first saw in the theater (playing the main movie) and it was fun.

It is very nice, probably the best short film Pixar has so far, at least that's what I think.

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