Breast Pump Big Boobs Whats The Difference Between Breast Feeding From The Breast And Feeding The Baby Pumped Beast Milk?

Whats the difference between breast feeding from the breast and feeding the baby pumped beast milk? - breast pump big boobs

The child receives the same milk, but it is from the chest in a bottle for the baby .. be pumped What is the difference? when all the baby needs is milk to be healthy, why so many people make a big deal about feeding baby pacifier?



Feed pumps and bottle feeding is much more elegant, and breastfeeding.

Pippin said...

1. Pumping is hard work, and many mothers are, because the pump is not as effective as the baby has stimluating its low bid after a while. Or just burn the pumps. All this means that a baby is fed with expressed milk much less likely to make a whole year of milk from the AAP, or up to 2 years or more "recommended by the WHO recommended as a baby breast-fed.

2. In fact, there are few medical differences between the two methods, which are the benefits:
Nursing babies breast strengthens jaw in a way that the bottle is not. What makes it less likely to have crooked teeth.
When the baby sucks his saliva in the chest. This helps the milk to the corresponding antibodies, which could be preparing to createGarlic him.

3. This is something that is really impossible to measure, but one reason that breastfeeding should strengthen ties with is that if you are breast-feeding, in relation to the mother. If he drinks a bottle, which is connected to the bottle. (The difference between a child Think covers nursing mother while breast-feeding before a boy on foot all day drinking from the bottle.)

me said...

is much more difficult to pump, store, wash and sterilize bottles and teats, bottles to prepare ... can not even feed them to the letter - you must get a bottle and warm it (wash the security after all), breastfeeding is much easier, it is simply easier.

Moreover, it seems, your body can not tell if the food is a baby or a pump to extract milk - and milk may suffer. Your body does not know much, because there is no baby, "" there.

R's Momma said...

it takes twice) so long (pumps and feeding, care only disadvantages and then there is the problem of storage. if we take it, must be fresh, and then, as it is heated, if you are in a restaurant or a walk? Breast milk is always the right temperature and you do not have to worry about sterilizing bottles or pollution. In addition, the properties of breast milk a "sensitive", if you - shaking, too hot or too fast, and want to destroy the freezing of all, at least some positive qualities. It is difficult to maintain their bid for a pump because the body can make the difference between a year and a baby. Children are much more effective. is difficult to long-term (and REC AAPDemand of at least one years of breastfeeding). It is also suggested that babies tend to eat more with the bottle in the rule.

However, if you have the choice between a bottle of milk or preparation, pick up the milk. nevertheless has some of their health benefits and at least you know where it came from. it is much easier to digest than formula milk.

Haruhi said...

Not pump effectively and provide recreation for babies, pumping is a pain in his back, pumping may create unnecessary concern about the problems of supply (not cause problems there are pumps, pumping enough while thinking that not enough unnecessary additives, reducing the supply. .. all just downhill from here.)
Also care has many direct benefits in itself, for both mother and child that no pumps.
In addition, direct breastfeeding is much more reassuring for a baby with a bottle, and allows the child to have better control over nutrition and the prevention of overeating.

Sleepless in Sonoma said...

Feed pumps and bottle feeding can reduce the amount of milk - the pump is not as effective as removal of milk and baby.

Pumping takes time and is a pain in the ass. Why pump when you use the boob in the baby's mouth to jump?

I personally feel the force directly to the chest is nice and they love the fact that I am the only one who can.

However, some women may enjoy the flexibility of the bottles - Other people can feed the baby, if they so wish.

Who is a great thing about feeding baby pacifier? Would you say that you should or not, your baby directly from the breast? I do not understand. I've never heard someone a big part of it.

Leslie K said...

Not that it less nutritious for the pump and provide milk for the babies. Although there is debate about whether the frozen breast milk actually lose some of its nutritional properties.
It is generally difficult to draw for a mother and only then the baby a bottle of milk.
If you spend 15 minutes of pumping and feeding the baby a bottle for 15 minutes, 30 minutes spent. only pumps and feeding. This does not include the time for cleaning the pump.
If you have only satisfied in general, less time for baby directly into animal feed.
It belongs to the person, though.
If you only want the pump, is yours. If you can not cope, then I say good for you.

Becci said...

I think most people have a list of major differences. Some thoughts to add.
Breast milk has to delete a lot of milk (liquid, to the thirst of the milk) and Hind (rich, satisfying fat milk) after a few minutes. When expressed, they are all mixed together, so sometimes my baby should have the water and to ensure that their thirst is quenched.

I went back to work when my child 3 months, when the pump was the only way to get my milk during the day. So from this point of view, is a real positive. But if I had to choose between breastfeeding or expressing myself, I choose directly from the breast every time.

Sarah said...

I'm going with my baby. The power does not feel comfortable in public, I would be pumping when we left, and my husband in a position to the bonding time with baby and food as soon as I can, when we come home to get the supply of milk well. It's really a personal preference, but beware that your milk can be reached if the individual pump.

Ethel said...

He spends a colossal waste of time, is not as efficient as nursing directly, is not practical because it has the bomb and several times during the pump every 2 hours during the day and 4 days for many months and the child has no close contact the nursing profession to a greater contribution can the benefits of breastfeeding.

Leah~Ariana's Mommy 10/23~ said...

I do not think people make a big part of it, of course ... I do not understand why someone would bottle pump, instead of just the sister ... simply makes no sense.

ETA: It's only my opinion, but I hate pumping. Is an exploration company, and if I (because I work and I), I can only think of how I prefer to be breastfeeding my daughter.

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jen said...

There is much more work and a bottle to pump. It is also difficult to keep the milk to.

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